This Psalm is all about Heaven invading Earth through worship. It also gives the most positive and highest view of humankind.
Consider the astounding statement in vs 2: “You have built a stronghold by the songs of infants. Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children. This kind of praise has power to silence the enemy. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.”
The songs of the weakest and frailest of humanity have the power to silence the enemy. Your children’s worship is doing some serious Warfare!
Personal testimony… The setting: I was shopping with my daughter Ella in a local store in Jackson. All around us… glum, sinister faces. Unmotivated, dry-as-dust employees. My daughter, then 4, started singing No Longer Slaves at the top of her lunges. The chorus of “I’m no longer a slave to fear,… I am a Child of God” rang through the aisles. Within mere seconds, smiles emerged. Laughter erupted. The Enemy didn’t stand a chance with this 4 year old.
“If worship bores you, you are not ready for heaven.” AW Tozer (The Purpose of Man)